A Word from Mr. Macklemore

Hello all! Brett Kirsch here again to bring you guys more pure, untouchable talent. In this video of spoken word poetry, new Hip Hop Superstar Macklemore performs a combination of two of his hit songs, “Wing$,” and “Make the Money.” The songs are performed as a slam poem, which is very interesting considering most of us heard the songs before the poem that created them. Its also good to note that Macklemore, even in this old video, has the same swagger and personality when he recites his poem as he does when he raps. His emphasis on certain words and lines like, “Make the money, don’t let the money make you,” send chills down my spine every time he repeats it. Apart from that, I find Macklemore a very interesting character. His issues that he speaks about, that range from  the problems with consumerism in America, to addiction to certain drugs, to even gay rights, are not very similar to the usual content of rap, not to discount the majority of my favorite music genre. I find him very inspirational, with a voice that almost anyone and everyone can relate to. I hope you guys find this little clip to be as amusing and interesting as I did. More to bring you soon.

