View Points In Poetry

This is my first poetry course in my college career and i find it interesting to see the numerous different perspective each person has on the same poem. Some views are from a literal perspective were others go more off content they read and some are imaginative. In class we read “Reading Scheme” by Wendy Cope.  The ideas about the poem ranged from the mom having an affair with the milk man which what was displayed in the text in the poem.  A referral was made to “See Spot Run” where the book talks about a dog running often where at the end of almost every stanza in the poem quotes “Look Jane, Look! Look at the dog! See him run!” This was interesting because some viewed it as the kids were oblivious to the moms affairs with all the men she was seeing and they were just focused on the dog.  I thought maybe the kids were calling all the men dogs and in every stanza they seen men leaving the house and referred to them as dogs. I find it interesting the different ways people read poetry and Annalise it. The viewpoints are vastly different but all are related to the same context.